Cambia le regole!

Change the rules!

What am I trying to indicate with this statement? Is that too general a phrase for today? I didn't think of answers, but I simply went through certain situations and experiences that made me realize that I had to change the rules otherwise I wouldn't have gone ahead.

What I am about to tell you does not mean that in general it must be like this, but simply that over the course of your time situations will arise where the rules need to be changed.

Events happen in life that we didn't foresee and events that we thought we had foreseen, but in reality we didn't. Right?

When this happens, we find ourselves swept up in an out-of-control tide of situations that we don't know how to handle or often how to get out of it. So what do we do? We adjust to this tide just to survive.

So what to do to go from the word survive to live? By changing the rules, how? Mainly you have to be ready for anything, because changing the rules means going against the world and you have to be aware of this. Making choices and dictating your own rules involves a huge effort that not everyone is able to bear that's why I wanted to include it as a main point. The real difficulty lies right here.

Changing the rules is easy, the real challenge lies in resisting and being consistent with the rules we have dictated.

If you want to achieve something, go somewhere or do whatever you want, you have to know how to change the rules in your favor.

In my life I started about two years ago to change the rules and I'm not just talking about work, but also personal and what I'm getting is really beautiful. I am meeting beautiful people like you with whom we share and discuss experiences and ideas. Magnificent feedback and news comes to me almost daily and this is unique. However, all this has the price of going against the world and this does not make it easy.

I could go on and on talking about this but now I leave the floor to you and ask you have you changed or are you changing the rules?

I'd be interested to know what you think and how it's going.

Lorenzo Caia.

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