I segreti di un artista!

Secrets of an artist!

Secrets, secrets, secrets, the world is made up of secrets, why shouldn't an artist have them?

Yes exactly you heard me right, every artist has a secret or even better secrets. The one who defines himself as an artist and mind you, not only thinks it, but declares it and affirms it to others is simply a person at the end of his strength who must free himself from the weight of these secrets, but without revealing them.

I have based my entire artistic philosophy on secrets and the more I get rid of them by hiding them in my drawings, the more secrets they get.

But where do these secrets come from?

Where do you think these secrets come from?

From ourselves, from our darkness, our most twisted mind and the most conflicting emotions our body can handle. An artist has to deal with his darker side, every day from when he gets up to when he goes to bed, he has to keep that monster, that beast at bay and the only way to do it is to draw.

When I draw, I hide part of my being and express it in the form of an enigma, a secret message or a puzzle. (Yes nothing is easy) Knowledge of things, mystery, ingenuity, history and much more are the main means I use to convey my message.

Each artist has his own way of drawing according to the secrets he is going to reveal. We are not all the same, in fact, don't tell me that you have come this far to read just to get an idea of ​​an artist's secrets? I can't give such a generic answer it would automatically turn into a trivial and almost ridiculous concept.

But I have to admit that if you're reading you probably have some secrets so I'll give you a little advice.

“Draw and listen to yourself while you do it!”

Until next time,

Lorenzo Caia.

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