E’ una questione di segreti!

It's a matter of secrets!

Whether you already know me or not, know that I have a habit of hiding secret messages and creating puzzles in my works.

Yes, you understood correctly, it's really about hiding secrets wanted within my works, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. There are those who, for example, create abstract art and leave a message of free interpretation where, let's be clear, they use incredible techniques and create masterpieces, but being works based on free individual interpretation (emotions of the beholder) you will never know the artist in depth in fact you probably won't know anything about him/her, instead in my case the message about who I am, what I'm going through, how I'm living, my vision of the world etc. is present, but only hidden inside the work.

You don't have to talk to other people or research the internet who they are or anything, it's all in the picture. Everything you need to know me is found in the painting is a unique and universal message for everyone who looks. The only thing you have to do is spend some time observing it, living it, loving it and hating it and then slowly you will see that some secrets come to the surface. It's like when you meet a new person, we don't know anything about him/her, but as time goes by and by living it we discover more or less intimate things about that person. (There are no interpretations just a single road that leads you to a single truth accessible to all, but which few discover like relationships between people).

Today, in my opinion, art, like many artists, has consequently forgotten to act as a beacon during dark times, to guide, to communicate and above all to create value through taking positions.

Even art itself nowadays is becoming an assembly line, quantity and speed, giving up quality and value.

Some time ago I went to an art exhibition and I started talking to some artists who were exhibiting, asking them what prompted them to do this? The why and the inspiration behind it.

Most of the answers were: There is no real reason! Depending on how much desire I had and if I had nothing to do that day.

Now tell me how much value these jobs had before talking to them and after?

I have the answer and I could go on saying many other things, but I'll leave the word to you.

Then the reason why I hide secrets in my works I'll tell you in another article, we don't have all this confidence yet. ;)

Until next time,

Lorenzo Caia.

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