Perché ho iniziato a scrivere?

Why did I start writing?

I don't have a single reason why I started this journal, in fact initially it was to share with you the thoughts and inspirations that accompany me every day.

You've been asking me for a while and I thought I'd start it without ever having the opportunity to get my hands on it.

I have to admit it's a bit frustrating sometimes to create something that doesn't reflect the work done. Has it ever happened to you?

This sentence is the famous straw that broke the camel's back.

On various occasions, especially in the last period, I have had negative, non-constructive and above all superficial feedback regarding my art.

I understood that all this was triggered by an absence of perception of value.

Social media absolutely helps guys… because I met you and we can talk, compare and discuss, but they don't express everything.

What you see in posts and reels are just facades. Inspiration, creativity, difficulties, study, hours invested, etc. These are the true value behind a work and a photo.

On social networks, all this does not transpire, rather it is hidden, which is why I wanted to start this journal, to share ideas, inspirations, confessions, difficulties, invested time, etc. with you. so as to give value to the work we do.

My intent here is to create an environment where those looking for value can find it here.

What do you think about it?

It will certainly be a wonderful journey to start together and I can't wait to get your first opinion.

I think the next article will focus on the importance of value and how undervalued it is nowadays.

To next week.

Lorenzo Caia.

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