Su quante opere lavoro contemporaneamente?

How many works do I work on at the same time?

I've been asked this question several times, I think out of curiosity, but I've never stopped to think about it much.

When I start drawing or painting my mind goes into an almost automatic mode. My intention is to create value within the work, whether it is to see myself in that message or that feeling or even for the prestige or charm that my technique transmits, my only intention is to create value in what I do.

The number of works I work on simultaneously cannot override the importance of the value I create. In other words, quality before quantity.

I prefer to give up assignments and commissions than to create a work where the value is not perceived or even considered superficial.

Does everything have a cost? Yes, everything has a cost that is linked to time, research, sacrifices, etc. “But then lore in the end on how many works do you work at the same time?”. The answer is I don't know.

Did you see when I told you that when I draw my mind goes automatically?! Well that's my number and it changes every time. The inspiration that I have and that has come from my mind is the secret. There are days where thanks to it I can work on five works at the same time, while others it's already a lot on just one. The mind of every human being is something so powerful that we can't even conceive it that's why when I get to work I let myself be carried away by her. I've learned that when you're inspired anything can happen, don't you agree?

Never underestimate the inspiration that is in a drawing or gesture, that's where ideas are born.

A future article I think I will focus on the meaning of inspiration, its power and what it can do when you learn to recognize it.

Let me know what you think as I'm curious to know your inspirations and what you do when they arrive.

To next week.

Lorenzo Caia.

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